Sunday, 28 December 2008
"...Honesty is more my taste anyway" =D
I hate that feeling, that i get in my throat, that makes me angry and just...uncomfortable. I just got told something that bothers me, and now i tingle inside, i feel like someone is squeezing my insides, i shake a bit...i dont like it, i feel angy, and i have thousands of qustions running around in my head. Im past this
I've tried my hardest to entertain...people dont like me when im un-chatty and a bit down, and people find me annoying when im hyperactive and in a cheery mood. Fuck 'em. At least i wont go cry about it =) anyway...
(Very hard to concentrate now im angry)
Anyway, about the thing i just got told...i was drunk =) and in a good mood. So i'll just let you be a cunt in the corner.
OK! lets get back to it.
I went to Becky's house party on a Saturday night, it was alot of fun, i went before everyone else and me and her had our own little party with loud music and a marshmallow fight because everyone was late, so by the time everyone got there i was drunk =) and i got drunker, and drunker untill i threw up...on Beckys drive. (Sorry Beckys Mum)
So slept over there, and on the way home got mum a christmas present, twas amazing, a little "me to you" bear dressed as a pig haha. got home and wrapped everyting, put it in a bag and left in in the corner of the room =) i wouldnt miss it then.
So not alot happened between the party and christmas...oh whatever...xmas then >=( the long word is too much effort. and because im chewing my t-shirt...and now its wet and cold haha. nice.
So then the big day! X-MAS!!!
It was pretty amazing...i woke up at 7:00am...but was way too tired so ended up getting up at 8:30am. I'm pretty damn laz usually, but not for xmas haha.
So yeah, got people up, we all sat in the conservatory and opened prezzies! =D then the usuall thankyou's and we all buggered off upstairs to mess around with wht we'd got while mum and barry made breakfast and and an hour together =)Josh set up his keyboard and his Wii, Max set up his new music system thingy and i set up moi 360 XD
yeah ok its a little sad, but i love it so much haha.
So yeah, then went to ma Uncles for a bit. hung around with Ryan and Aiden and whatever, and then went home, messed around and went to Amy's. I got her a picture fram and an apron she wanted, and he got me some dvd's and a postr, and her mum got me funky socks haha.
(Do i regret my earlier angry shout out? ... ... NO! i stand by it =D )
But yeah...anyway. So yeah, xmas was pretty damn amazing. After that nothing much has happened, i talked to Becky a bit nd Bethany alot. Meeting Bethany on Wednesday, should be aot of fun. hope so =D it'll be well difficult and uncomfortable to begin with, but should be fun =D
Hehe, aaaand was playing F.E.A.R. the other night...(360 game) and its soooo spooky. I love scary stuff haha, but i was playing it in thedark, when people are asleep, and with them huge full covring earphones (for the surround sound thingy) and i was walking along, and there were some men, so i shot them before they shot me (an arm flew off of one i think XD) then it all went quiet and when the dust cleared i moved along, started to climb down a ladder, and as i looked up there was this little girl ghost...and i actually let out a little "eeeep" bu that wasnt the worst bit... i then went down the ladder, turned to the left, and there was this guy ghost just jump out of noware towards me shouting "i know who you are!!!" and a girl... i screamed haha. and woke people up XD but i wormed my way out of a telling off with a good explanation...i simply said...
"I had been told to hunt down a phsycic cannibal who controlls an army of phsycic soldiers that are trying to release a science experiment gone wrong woman who is also both of our mothers who keeps coming to us both in visions at a water treatment plant as part of f.e.a.r. team 1 being sent in alone because Junkowski is missing and presumed dead =D"
And mum simply said..."oh bugger off"
I find stuff like that works pretty well if you say it really fast haha. people dont know what to make of it so just forget it, most of the time haha. Like today Amy rang and was like "what were you doing yesterday?" and i just said "fighting aliens for a heat source in the baron snow plains" now if i had just said "stayed in bed" she would have been in a shit mood...again...but she just said..."wierdo" and let me off haha. im such a prisoner =S haha. but yeah, TRY IT! it works. just explain in lrge detail what you were actually doing, could work for you to haha.
So yeah, thats about it =D Got a "Innerpartysystem" CD for xmas, and i love it, its probably the best CD ive ever had haha. many repeat plays =D
So yeah, im in a good mood now. =) forgive me little mood swing haha. Hormones apparently XD i reckon, bcuase im so girly (and proud)maybe i have boh sets? there are also other reasons, but im not posting them on here, i dont have a mangina...that isnt one of them...old greg does thow!
"Do you love me? ever drank baileys from a shoe? wanna go to a club where people wee on each other? im old greg!"
I <3> going to sleep soon...because i can =D nighty night!!! x x x x x x x x
I keep havin...dreams? and they keep happening! =O now i dont believe in alot of this mystical crap...but woah. when you dream that you do something lik spilling sugar...and you do it...its a coincidence..but when you dream about a person coming into your room and telling you something, and then it happens for starts to get wierd. Some of the dreams are just normal everyday stuff, some i can remmeber well...some i cant...and some are very persoanall, involving people i know, and dont if they start to happen...something is wrong =S its probaly me being a dick, but oh well =) bye for real! x x x
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Not leaving much to the imagination in those pretty high heels...
Well tonight's liitle post-mc-doodle will probably be better than last haha. Im actually in a writing mood and got a fair bit to talk about.
Woke up at 6:00am this morning...usual stuff for college =D and sorted out my hair, did my fringe spiked it around and whatever else. I also remembered to clean my ear piercing with the solution stuff...which i havnt been doing...oh yeah, i think...last week? I had Emma pierce my ear for me, was pretty amazing under the college stairs because you arent supposed to do it at college haha...were just THAT hardcore. So know ill just wait for it to heal properly...and maybe...MAYBE...stretch it. i really want to an have wanted to for years but just never did..odd isnt it?
So yeah...left the house in a shitty mood =S i have no idea why haha, i just did, but thats the best thing about music isnt it? you can listen to a few songs, use your imagination and just get jazzed into a completely different mood =D i usually sleep on the college bus, so i try and imagine im in a band singing the sing to a crowd of people, and thats like, a small dream of mine so yeah, it usually cheers me up.
Got into college...(i hate buses...i never get comfortable.) and did about half an hours work haha...then after the break...we came back...and Gary (the lecturer) just came up to me and said "hey wanna play Halo?" and i just turned to him and screamed..."GARY! i would friggin LOVE to play halo!" haha. So it was pretty amazing that for the rest of his lesson he set up a 360...(Elite of course XD) and me and a few mates took turns on Halo 3, Bad company and Call of Duty 4. =)
So that was alot of fun. Ive also been teasing Matt...yano? the one that hates everybody? anyway...he's VERY "anti - gay" a i hate people who are like that, i dont really ever get angry, but today...he made me mad haha. (Luckily this was before the 360 thing so it didnt ruin it haha) and he said stuff like "I'll get my mate to come in and beat you up, because he carries a weapon" or "My brother could take all of you, hes like, 13 stone!" all because im a bit camp... so i teased him. I chased him down the corridoor "thrusting" towards him haha..he ran so fast....he thinks im being serious...i wouldnt touch him if ou paid me =) being bitchy...oh well...he deserves it.
So then...apart from that, me, Sam and Saint went to morrisons and baight ourselfs all the elements of a picnic and had one at college haha... we had cookies, coke, paper cups, bread sticks, more cookies etc...and it was alot of fun just relaxing with a game of cards getting hyper off all of the sugar in the coke haha... so we got into the Audio lesson....and Sam (lecturer) said, yeah, you three go to the library and et out some DVD' naturaly...we did haha...we chose...
- Final Destination 2
- Spiderman 3
- P.S I love you
- Shaun of the dead
I love Zombies...the idea of zombies and the many different kinds of zombie just interest me =S so i had to get a zombie movie in there haha. Its one of my favoroute movies so yanooooo XD
So yeah we sat and watched that, and by the time i had climbed around...let me count... 1500 stairs..i was very my hair was i put my hat on...and then for some reason i didnt feel comfortable in my clothes =S i really dont like clothes. If i could i would walk around naked....but i can think of many more reasons not to do that, than to actually do that haha.
So yeah, thats about all my day. I was trying to be in a good mood today, but everyone around me was just in a shitty mood so i gave up haha. I cantwait to just break up for christmas...all the work and crap ive had to pu up with at class, i deserve a break haha. And after and Bethany will be meeting up =D so that should be alot of fun. =) so yeah...bye blog haha...
much lovesiedoodlesmcfoodlespoodles!
x x
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
"throw your panties on the stage...oh no, wait! youre under-age!!!"
Just changed the font, i think ill use this one haha.
So...i have like two weeks to do...but cant be here goes...
Ok, so the past few weeks have been groovy, ive been at my mums wedding! i looked so smart and made people cry using the sheer might of my sexy-ness...
Ok, so i lied about that last one haha, but yeah it was good. They were watering down beer thow so couldnt properly get drunk =( not that im like that anyway haha.
Also, been seeing alot of mates, having ALOT of giggles...arguing with certain people and making friends with others. =D i make a new friend every week or so, so this weeks frien is Bethany!!! ta-daaaa! haha yeah she's cool she randomly added me on bebo, so i added her back on MSN, and now we talk alot haha. and are gonna make a list of questions for each other =D and then meet up after christmas is over, ask the questions and have a jolly good time =D i cant put everything about our little conversations on here because on MSN im juggling 3 conversations and one argument haha. A serious argument too. with someone i donmt wanna fall out with but it...a clash of personalities. haha...
And now my mind is blank...shit.
Right, ill do one tommorow..and ill promise itll be better!
Byeeee x x x
Monday, 1 December 2008
"Im driving..." - "Fuck driving..."
Alrighty-then...the past few days (leading up to a week) was pretty good. Not alot happened...but it was a nice few days.
On the thursday nothin happened really...i stayed in (because it was cold) and played guitar for the majority of the day, i usually try to keep all volumes down...t.v, music etc. Ive had a few run-ins with people over it in the past but to be honest...i just couldnt be arsed with it haha. turned everything up full...tuned the strings down and tried some "Bring me the Horizon"...didnt work very well so i ended up playing "Situations" alot haha.
So yeah, luckily, nobody complained =D so smiles all around for that one...but then when i was done i was playing "Black" for a while...and i like having that up VERY loud...i always wanted to go into the army...i would if i wasnt so unfit and "unsuited" so a video game is the closest i have haha. it sounds like a warzone thow when its up loud...lots of bangs and shouting =S but my little brother is worse haha...anyway...
So yeah...friday was good. Wow...friday was the best day of the year ive had so far! i dont know why =S the weather was amazing...the hair stayed how i wanted it...we got to go out and do photography...we had "fun" in Pams lesson, and i met a few new people and a girl that loves Bring me the horizon...but dresses chavy...i was like "are you taking the piss?" and she was like "noooo...i love mosh pits" so that was amazing haha...but she was going to be sick...very i tried to talk from a distance haha.
Saturday was plain...not alot happened...went to Boston with mum for a wedding suit fitting...and shopped yeeeah..pretty cool. then slept round amy's. yup.
So now monday has gone...the decorations are up early...and x-mas is nearly here...i shall write some more another time...and its mega goodnight!!!!!!
x x x x
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
A good day (or night) or posting. Ooooooh yes.
Been a wild day...i cant remember the last time i did a ill just cover today...
Soooooo.... had to lugg my guitar around all day today. Its ok for the first half of the day, but after that it gets pretty friggin mega heavy. But it was good because I actually got to get in the recording studio and play some stuff. Now im not all that good at the guitar, in reality, the guitar is a bit pants... The bottom 3 strings are going rusty, the bridge is too low, the cable to the amp is shit...the amp itself is shit...and it holds the strings in tune for all of two minutes. However, it is my first guitar, so for starters its not supposed to be amazing, and for seconds...when i get better i can go out and buy a nice decent one... but untill then...ill keep practicing untill im satisfied with my skills haha.
Right, anyway, so yeah today we got to the recording studio and sat in there, it was a shit hole, wires and shit everywere, so after we crawled through it all we set it up, recorded the drums, and then plugged me in to the huge amp XD (loved it) so yeah, i was trying to keep the noise down because there were alot of people outside in the cafe bit, but Sam (lecturer) was like, "No mate, turn it up!" and im just sat there looking at him like... "Are you sure thats ok to do?!" so i turned it up, played the bloody James Bond theme, and burst an ear drum... i think i sat to close to it haha. But yeah it was good.
Also, i typed 3 whole words today...i have ages to do my work for Gary so yeah, ill just sit around for a bit listening to music haha. But the main part of the day, has to be Me, Saint, Sam (not lecturer) and Lewis TRYING our very hardest to get rid of... MATT.
I dont like to be evil, or mean, but what the hell is that guy doing here!?! I rekkon hes at college because nobody else could stand to have him! he needs to be locked up and kept out of reach of anybody who...
- Is Gay (or Bi or slightly camp)
- Larger than the average person
- English
- European
- Basically...anyone who isnt American
- Outspoken
- Religious
- Looks religious
- Different Race
- Doesnt give him money
- Basically...the entire human bloody race
Hes such a ....Bastard. Thats all i can think of to describe him that isnt morally offensive or just wrong! Lewis says he's the re-incarnation of Hitler, but he wishes he was american, watches ALOT of wrestling, and beats people up for fun. Yeah, i think there is something wrong with him, maybe a disorder...but its also obvious that he is very very capable still...and that it would only count to 10% of the problem...the other 90% is him just being a generally bad person. he agrees with knife and gun crime... Says he beats his dad up for money, beats up people who believe in god...Of course. He is a mega bullshitter, and the majoriy of our day is spent trying to trick him into fucking off... Oh yeah, he also has a 14 year old girlfriend who he lends out to two other guys, and he's 17 =S
Was hillarious the other week when he was jibbering on about it and i just said "So let me get this have a girlfriend? she has two other boyfriends? what? did you lend her out or was it all a team effort?"...
We all hurt from laughting at did the majority of strangers listening in the background. You might think its mean...but spend an hour with him... that thats over with...
In Gary's lessons...all i get is shit. Its a good giggle, and im very happy to giggle with it. However... today all ive been getting (and probably all ill get for the next month) is "Zac proper loves Chloe"...i dont lol. I may have said in the last blog she was pretty cool..and yeah she was. But according to Lewis and Saint, i was totally sucking up to her haha...i now they think, and have told her mates i fancy her...i dont...much XD
So yeah, apart from that the rest of the day has been good. Been out tonight, planned a bit more christmas stuff and talked to some mates on MSN. Amy got me a pair of gloves with like, skeleton fingers on them...and they keep my hands warm so yay! so tired gonna sleep...after ive found a battery for the MP3....cant sleep without music haha.
Night night!
x x x x x
Monday, 24 November 2008
"Whardafuck i wannacarvan with no wheels fer?"
Anyway...The past few days / week... Wow im getting distracted by the TV haha....its a world war 2 thing...on BBC2...i think its called "band of brothers"....i love anything about WW2 lol. Anyway...
"Do you like d-a-gs?"
Im probably gonna be doing that alot in this post haha. I watched Snatch again at the weekend, which i havnt seen for aaaaaages....and Lock-stock before im full of quotes haha. All me and Lewis been doing for the past few days is just coming up with crap from the movies haha. Probably fav old movie lol.
Anyway..."Cupid...stupid" =D
Well...had a bit of work to do...did it haha. College has been pretty normal really...had alot of fun and whatever else. Got a new phone...Sony Ericsson. Pretty swish haha. but i need a new memory card because the one i got only holds about 23 songs...speaking of songs..i only realised this morning how loud i actually have my music on the bus...i thaught it was pretty quiet...however, me being nosy, when the girl i sat next to today turned to her friend and said "If he doesnt turn that bastard music down..." i realised haha. I took it out my ears and yeah...she could probably hear every bloody word XD ... or scream haha.
Aaaanyway...i cant remember alot else. Nearly christmas! haha. cant wait. This morning i ordered a desert scarf and a new hoody...hope its not too big XD
Also got Amy the last of her X-mas presents lol. I hope she likes them =D AND..speaking of a little bastard haha...
I have this bad habbit of wanting to know what ive got MEGA ill go out of my way to find out. I think for christmas last year i got Amy really mad because i was trying to bribe her fammily into telling me, and just bugging her about it untill she mum is another story XD shes just the same, so anything i do she just counters it and either lies or plays tricks. Like when last year i wanted a PSP and she just kept saying she couldt find one because of the x-mas rush lol, which got me reeeeealy ratty because io knew otherwise...then when i do eventually find out what ive got...i wish i didnt know lol. Me and her are so alike.
She put chocolate icing up my nose today haha. Max plays if he wanted to restrain me...he could...and mum grabbed a lump of icing and smothered it all over me...while i screamed like a girl, triend not to get it in my hair nad sneezed chocolate...then she got moody because i bit her finger haha. Serves her right =D
Anyway... Yeah, sat at college toda and met some new people, the first was Sam's friends friend...who was a complete bitch...i dont wanna be mean...but girls like that just put me off girls completely lol And the next waaasssss...Chloe? i think thats her name? "Chloe Olivia" haha. She was proper cool. I could tell Lewis thaught she was a nut-job, but she was cool haha. Now im pretty i keep my thaughts to myself...things today i didnt bother sharing were "Do you think you can describe things with other things properly like..."The caravan of the ford world"" or "If dinosoars didnt die...would we be like the flintstones or just live in fenced off areas?" so, with this girl, i think we could of hd amazingly long conversations about random crap...anyone as full of random shit as me deserves an award haha.
"You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a piss head. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".
I couldnt rememver ALL of that so looked it up haha...good ol' Brick Top.
So yeah. Thats all ive done these few days. been pretty normal so will update if anything comes up haha... so yeah, im gonna go to sleep now lol.
x x
"Should I call you Bullet? Tooth?"
"You can call me Susan if it makes you happy."
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
"Well, i guess this is growing up..." post...12 is it?
So today...the lyric is "Well, i guess this is growing up" from "Dammit" by "Blink 182" its one of the only songs i properly like by them so i suppose that lyric just stands out because its pretty much how ive been feeling for the past week or two... goes...
Well... This week has been pretty average. I did a toss load of photography work, which i handed in a nice little black folder and hes said it was proper good, so im pleased with that one. I also managed to waste alot of my time doing nothing all week but sitting around watching the clock in the class room tick, and doing none of my work...i cant tell wether im amazingly clever...or unusually lucky...because i always leave ma work till the last minute, rush it...and get a bloody yeah...huge smile on the college part.
We also figured out Sainty looks like McLovin off superbad...yano...the fake drivers licence? haha. of course...hes loving that.
Been watching alot of south park lately...used to watch it all the time, but slipped, so back on with that one =D
Yeaaaah...been with Amy alot...yup. pretty groovy. haha, im reading this back and it seems so not sure wether its an OCD or just me being a wierdo, but i have a huge attention to detail...if its not exactly right...its nothing. i also hate lights being on when nobody is in the room, plugs turned on with nothing in the socket, fluff on clothes and that kinda stuff XD Proper clean freak.
Aaaaaaanyway...i feel like now, im being forced to grow up. I always told myself i would never grow up...i would always flick to the back of an Argos book to look at the toys and video games before anything else, and i would never stop watching cartoons but...i feel im being forced into it. And i hate the thaught of it, it makes me sick...but i suppose im going to have to get over it...oh well XD
Anyway...yeah...thats a shitty start to a weekly yeah...good luck me! =D
x x
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Ok, i apologise that i havnt written anything for nearly a week, im sure everybody loved reading this crap so yeeeah...i cant remember too well what happened for the past few days so ill try ma best... stuff might pop into ma head as i go alont so here goes...
Right... today (15th November) i woke up at like, 11:30am...felt pretty ashamed at maself...but i dont get anything for being ashamed so it didnt last long. I had a little disagreement with the dog...she WILL NOT stop jumping up at me...its ruining my cloths =( so i shouted mega loud at her and she whined..barked at me and walked off with her tail down. Felt bad about that...again...didnt last long.
I tidied up the kitchen...which is a bitch. So the usuall stuff...then i just had a general ceanup of my room, played Halo 2 for a little bit, got Resident Evil 4 back off Ryan (and hes fucked it up so if i dont soon get a new one im gonna beat shades of shit out of him...verbally of course)
So yeah, after all that i just been playing my guitar all day...trying to find a way to make it sound heavy without being all cracky and muffled...learnt four songs today thow...proud of maself...they are...
- "As your falling down" by Escape the fate
- ".44 calibur love letter" by Alexisonfire
- "No son of mine" by Every time i die (ish)
- "The new black" by Every time i die (ish)
I put (ish) next to em because i learnt em mostly...still needs a little touching up but hey...thats what practice is for...and i cant strum that fast for some of bleh.
So yeah, niot a very productive day. Took loads of photographs on Thursday so i had a photography portfolio for friday...i was paniking..making sure i did EVERYTHING and more i had to do...and i was one of the four people that did the work out of 15! fucking chuffed.
But yeah...apart from that been pretty normal...excited for x-mas soon! gonna be great! Barry's fammily is coming over. i have a shiney new 360 wrapped up ready for me haha...proper spoilt.
But untill christmas...i dont have an awfull lot to look forward to...i wont be able to go out much...if at all. So im going to be stuck indoors...occasionall going to amy's. On the plus side of that...i can practice guitar ALOT more...wish i had a love to play infront of people. Tried one once but they said i was too fuck em all.
Anyway...ill try and stick to this from now on. just had a lot of EXTRA personal shit going on lately... need to curve the swearing too. hmph. =(
Love you blog xD
x x
Monday, 10 November 2008
"To die is to live in her head"...number 10 ! ! ! was pretty funky, yeah had alot of fun...and at the same time...alot of mouth is all dry and feel's like cotton ive been talking soooo much tonight...i dont really feel like writing but i shall try!!!
Well..woke up this morning pretty was mega cold and i nearly said "I'm not getting out" but i did and woo! i didnt have to do much fringe straigtning today because i did it last nite so yeah...just "spiked" the back up and was ready to go...i felt a little different today so i put on eyeliner...and yeah...might just not bother with that much anymore...i think i stopped wearing it a while ago because it saved time, was one last thing to worry about and always ended up making my face black by the end of the just not carefull XD
So i did all that and personally thaught it looked ok...i wasnt feeling right in my clothes today, i just didnt want to be in them...i didnt like the hair went all manky and curly and i very nearly cut it off there and then...but i know ill defo regret it because i love my hair =(
So managed to find enough change to get on the bus, got on the bus and sat next to Becky again...those seats are really should always try to grab the front right seat because the leg room is ace XD
So got into college and had a little dispute with Lewis about my eyes...he's extremely homophobic...i think his words were "You're dead to me" and i very...very nearly slapped him...nearly...but anyway, sat in that lesson, 5 flights of stairs are pretty tough with a scarf on, and all of a sudden i look on my paper...and there was black...EVERYWERE! i had been rubbing my bloody eyes and no-one even told i had no choice but to get rid of it...i will have to fork out a load of cash for a decent eyeliner pencil..that doesnt smudge as bad...was well angry...finaly tried to get back into a nice little habbit, and it went to yeah. whatever. Im not to bothered about the abuse haha, i like the attention XD fuck em.
Anyway, lessons were pretty average, me and Sam finished our magazine project cover and it was mega cool...had the slipknot guitarist on the front XD One day...mark my words...i will be able to play my guitar super well....and be in a nice little band, and go around the country...or just spalding and boston haha well...thats my little dream anyway =D
So yeeeah, lessons finished at lunch so walked around doing played cards...thats it...really. nothing. We played "bullshit", "go fish" and a bit of Poker, but it was the card castles that passes most of the time...combined with "Number-wang" haha
Yeah, me and Saint just been saying "thaaaaaats number-wang!" all bloody day...we do that alot really...find or remember little words or phrases and say em for everything all day far there has been....
- "Theres trouble in the world.............of Warcraft"
- "Im not any cat....I AM AN I-AMS CAT!"
- "4....4....4....4....2-Thaaaaats number-wang!"
- "Sueki...go to de fetch de bring it back"
- "Naaaaaaaahhh"
- "Baaaaaare!"
- "Sorry....but your son's charecter is already dead....noooooooooo!"
And there about all of 'em haha. A different one every monday XD so yeah, we were building a card castle, and this random (but nice) guy came up and challenged me to some kind of build off haha...his little lady friend kept blowing mine over...and i still beat him.. he was doing it the traditional way...and i was using fancy support at the botton with loads of cards laid flat holding cards in place XD and right at the end...his was like... 3 stories high...mine was 4 he gave up and yeah...i was victorious...took a picture till Sam broke it down haha.
So yeah, and apart from that today has been pretty average, me and Matt stood inbetween the buses today and our eyes were practically falling out of our head from the fumes, so yeah.
Thats gonna just reeeela now...night night.
x x
Sunday, 9 November 2008
"A blurred future" number 9!
I decided not to bother with a song lyric EVERYday...its pretty hard and ive only listened to a few songs over and over agin today haha. for hooooouuurs....i suppose i listen to music alot...which is yeah! day...Its a little early really...but i dont see what else much could really happen so here goes...
Well...woke up at erm...i think about 12 again? im not sure, it might have been earlier i dont felt like it was pretty long...probably because ive not spoken to anyone much today. I got up and smelt fry-up downstairs...and got down there and mum was like "Na, you dont have any, but i put you a few sausages in". Charming. So yeah, just did a few eggs and was sorted for brekkers. XD
So then mum broke the wonderfull news "oh yeah, by the way, were cleaning through today" and my face just dropped haha. like this... =D {=O (good example haha)
But before we started...i had a wash...did my hair (dont know why i did) and commenced the dusting...put clothes away...moved stuff around...fixed ma stereo (took ages to get the plug off) and found my psp charger (so now i can play monster hunter again! XD)
So yeah...looked under the bed and saw that my dog had been having regular visits...i found no end of crap! honestly, you counldt see to the other side haha...i think there was... crisp cores...tissue paper...chew toys...socks...a slipper...printer paper...a marble...stones...a turtle of my scatter cushions...balls of fluff from that scatter cushion...and a shampoo bottle XD so looks like she had been busy.
So yeah, dusted it, clean it up..hoovered through and me was done...then she made me do downstairs hoovering and the dishwasher and i got very moody about it haha. But eventually i caved in and did it haha.
So yeeeah...after that was done sat down had a nice cup of tea and put the music louder...very loud XD i think Max (little brother) had his on and Josh (other little brother) definatly had his on...bloody had enough of that mariah carey crap today haha (she doesnt even deserve capital letters infront of ther name haha) So yeah...listened to a bit of slipknot but want in the mood for it i remembered that on a CD i had recently burned i had like, four or five "Escape the fate" songs on there (They're a band that Becky told moi about...i thaught they would be all girly and terrible...but i really like em XD) So listened to them all day =D i listened to some a couple of times but ma fav one (which i put on repeat for hours) is "Situations" so yeah...pretty cosmic XD about 2:30pm to 3:00pm i took a trip to Unclie Stevies...took back Halo...and grabbed Halo 2 =D it was more entertaining than the last one haha...i only played it once like, yeeeears its nice to take a trip down memory lane...and i was playing it and it looks pretty stunning for an old one haha...AND...i dont see why people say they hated the Arbiter (however its spelt)...his missions are pretty groovy...even thow he spends most of his time naked and dragged around by two aliens talking about eating him haha but yeeeeah...and arent "The Flood" little pests in this second one? darn right they are! So yeah, Ryan and Aiden came over for an hour for a bit too, Aiden played moster hunter and tried to lecture me on "Oh your armour is terrible...tigrex is rubish...get Kushala Daora" or whatever...and Ryan was looking the part in his eyeliner and stripie gloves... about Ryan by the way...Im really glad that hes finding himself... He's going through exactly the same as what i did...i think its called by ma Nan as the "Goth stage" (yano...long gloves...screaming...lots of heavy black clothes) and eventually he will find sure no one in the fammily really would understand but me and Nan, but its all about you finding yourself...after this he will probably want to do something else...then again...then again untill he finds out what he wants to naturally become...took me like, three to four years untill i settled down and became the person i am now. ive been "ME" for about two years may all sound a little vein and fake...but really its about finding your true self...(very mushy) but hey, ill support him best i can...i also wanted to take him to a rock gig one day when i can drive...and as for Aiden...hes a little rascal haha. So yeah.
Speaking of Nan jaw actually hit the floor when i walked in and she was watching...oh yeah..."Silent Hill"...which is one of my fav movies/games of all time XD and she didnt understand it and i explained it and she obviously still didnt get it haha. Was trying to explain how the little girl (Alessa) was split into two souls...and one half was being drawn to silent hill...and then they became complete...and the darkness and the monsters are all Alessa's darkest feelings and hatred mixed with Rose's imagination.... You have to have played it really haha...but i dont think a lovley little old lady is going to be sat there playing an old PSone game haha...might try and get her to thow XD
So yeah its a pretty long one today....Also practiced the guitar for about two hours today..i usually get 20 mins a day but yano...just pushed the boat out today haha. So you can tell from this one i'm just a bit of a game nerd haha...but its a hobby right? So...its been a very nice day...still not as good as the last but hey...and speaking of the last, Little missy Beck-beck said something about seeing a movie one might have to sort something out sometime
College tommorow might be good..hope its as nice as last a new week...and i hope it goes well..i have alot to do in alot of places...and i think that aftr ive sorted these things out, and made peace with people, got things off ma chest and just genraly ticked them off my list...i can get on with enjoying what ive got left =D so byeee later maaaaaan. x x
Saturday, 8 November 2008
"Seize the day" (8)
I chose "Seize the day" because had i not stayed put then today wouldnt have been as amazing as it was. was a big day really...i dont get out of Gosberton much (if at all) so going to Boston was really nice. I woke up this morning at 8:00am and closed my eyes, once again waking up with naff-all time to do anything. I thaught i was going to miss the bus, so i paniked, quickly did my hair, couldnt find my eyeliner pencil, chipped my nice black nails and changed my outfit around two or three times. So i grabbed my money and phone and whatever else was laid infront of the T.V. I was going to boston to spend the day with Becky and it was amazingly good =)
So i was very tired and only had a twenty note, so i grabbed a powerade from the co-op (cherry of course) and went to the bus stop further down to make up time. i eventually got on the bus (return to boston around £5.00) and got to boston. Walked to the cinema and stood at the corner for a little bit, switching between sitting on the steps and standing at the corner...and eventually Becky came!...about an hour late.
I was pretty worried, i knew there was no way she could contact me and i'd probably be stood there all day like a dork. But becky came and i was relieved =D
So we buggered off to Mcdonald's, had a big mac and whatever else, and i was mega embarressed about eating it infront of her because i knew i would make a mess and probably make a fool of myself...i think i just about made it through without looking stupid...made a huge mess thow haha. So then we went and got me some batteries, i could have got nice expensive ones but the little white ones in the corner stood out and were much cheaper so why not XD
We walked around eeeeeeverywere, twas alot of fun just giggling and talking about stuff (it's alot easier to think of something to say on MSN than in person haha) but yeah, we walked around endless shops and different places and was alot of fun =D
Eventually...Becky decided that she wanted to get her lip we walked around and whaever else and got to a piercing place and stood outside it looking like wierdo's XD she was mega worried about how painfull it would be (she didnt believe me when i said it was just a pinch) but eventually I had to walk in and tell them to encourage her with telling her it wasnt all that bad =D, so got outside, pushed her in and he told us to go and make sure she was relaxed and whatever to be sure that she wants it done.
So after she got herself a red bull and a sherberty thingy, we went to get it done =) She was a bit scared and had some forms to fill in and stuff, and when she got sat in the chair to have it done she wanted me to be there to hold her felt nice to be needed and relied on for once = ) so as he did it she properly squeezed ma hand...hurt a bit...and for some reason burst into an opera song haha. But it all went well and it looks pretty groovy XD
(I dont know wether its just me, but even thow im in a super mood...the writing seems a little "yeeeeah whatever" an me...i feel great XD)
But yeah she was talkin wierd because he numbed it for her and it was pretty funny listening to her trying to talk with a numb mouth XD
So we like went shopping again....calmed down and whatever, and went into HMV...and i got this poster...

I got it because "trainspotting" was a really great film, and when he said these famous word's, i just felt like "yeah, he's right..." and i think it inspired me to be alot more optimistic and look on the brighter side (most of the time)
So yeah, we got to ASDA eventually..was pretty cool in there...i played with the dancing spiderman and dora the explorer music XD and becky was mezmerised by a record book and play-doh haha.
Met beck'y mum aswell...she seemed really nice =)
So we got to the bus stop (which was full of can they call people like me wierdo's when most of them are just...disgusting?"
We talked a bit more on the bus, i got one of her bracelets and she got one of mine, and i got home and im pretty exhausted...been a tiring day haha.
But yeeeeah...alot more happened in the day but i realy havnt got enough room to put it all! and im not really in a writing mood (which is a first) so yeeeeah...byeeeeeeeeeee!
x x x
Friday, 7 November 2008
7th? iam's-cat.
Was pretty guuuuurd, got up a lil eaarlier for some reason, dont know why i just did. I decided to watch fonejacker last night because i didnt realise it was on XD t'was a repeat but i could never get bored of it haha. I loved the part at the end...
"Welcome to the fonejacker competition line! You ring this this price...and win fuck all!...It's television...get used to it" made me giggle looooad's. So yeah i got up early, did my it looking reeeeeally pretty...but as soon as i got out in the went to shit haha. I also missed out on a nice cup of tea and the chance to put some eyeliner on because i spent bloody aaaages trying to get a lip ring in haha. So yeah, not a fantastic start...but it got better.
I got on the bus (double decker of course) and sat next to a certain someone, we didnt talk alot but i think we were just both very tired and i was trying to keep myself awake by putting the mp3 player to full blast...and hoped my ears wouldnt bleed or fall off...
So into photography, pretty scared that i hadnt done the work...and he didnt give a shit. I think he ain point of us being there was so that he could get the classess attention with his "if you dont know this information...kiss your course goodbye" luckily...i just understood it... JUST. Amazingly..he let us out an hour early...which was amazing...we had been there for about an hour XD
So sat around for a bit, we made our own entertainment by talking about various "lad's" stuff in the library, mostly cars and comedy, and spent aaaaaages talking about the mighty boosh and Ricky Gervais.
"Sueki...go to de well, fetch de water, to bring it back, to mash de grain...."
"But father...i cannot go to de well, to fetch de water, to bring it back, to mash de grain..."
"But sueki, why can you not go to de well, to fetch de water, to bring it back, to mashe the grain!?"
That was very funny lol. i also decided that if could ever find a nice pair or even fit into them...i wanted some chelsea boots XD
But yeeeeeah...had a break, got into the next lesson, did ALOT of work, watched some more powerpoint presentations (which i secretly loved presenting mine..."My fav band" haha) and even thow that lesson was with Pam...she let us out waaaaaaaaaaay an hour or so XD and she even let us listen to music i believe the way i put it at the time was "Far out!" haha. But...THE worst part of the day...when my face was mega red and i tried hiding behind he computer screen...and i went all cold =S...was during paulett's little presntation on music genre's...
She was saying how it is used and heard by everybody in everyday life...and gave three styles as examples of the type of music and the stuff that goes with it... they were...
"Indie rock" she did a little dance to represent it...pretty funny.
"Hip hop" she did a chav inpression with an invisible cap and a funny walk
"Emo" she put her hair over her face and started to nod her head....making an emphasis on "the fringe"
Now i already get shit for the stuff i say and do...and the things i wear and my hairstyle...but maaan...EVERYBODY...even bloody Pam looked at me =( some were really obvious point and laugth kind of things...Lewis had a field day haha..but it was everybody else (the majority) who just kind of gave me a quick glance as if to say "Yeah...i see what you mean..." i felt reeeeally embarressed....and that doesnt happen very often lol I hate incorrect stereo-types XD
But yeeeah, that was pretty dire, so just went outside, messed around with Panda and the guys...panda go on someones car bonet and they drove off with him on XD was a mega giggle.
So got on the bus (the lights were way too bright) and just blasted my music into my head again...trying to not lose my temper with sam keep wanting to interupt me...but i love him really...i even groped his breast...he tried to get mine but i said "Touch it and you'll never feel anything with that hand again"...but he got in a mood with me for shaking his i had to snipe him back lol.
Also...for some reason aaalllll after noon all me and sainty were saying was "Im not cat! i am an I-AM'S CAT!" made us cry with giggles XD
But yeeeeah...its friday night...i have a glass of lemon juice...and im writing my blog...everybody is going to bed...and tommorow i am going out with Little Miss Becky XD so should be a busy day of shopping for stuff (AAA bateries and X-mas stuff) getting some dinner, and hopefully she will keep to the contract and pierce my ear for me XD really hope so lol. and She might even get her lip i'll have to cheer her on...happy dance might be a bit distracting...maybe ill try my hand at break dancing haha. I also hope its not raining tommorow...i neeeeed to have nice hair stay nice for a change.
So will write more tommorow....goodnight!!! and remember...i am an i-ams cat. =3
Thursday, 6 November 2008
6th post XD
I might get distracted by the fact 8 out of 10 cats is on and my excitment that a one Mr.Brand's ponderland is on tonight.
Yep...giggling at t.v...give me a sec haha...
Right im back! ok...
So today was pretty good. Ive had alot of energy and been jumping around and nodding my head for hoooours because i have had music on ALL day...from around 10:30am when i had a bath, all the way through till 8:40pm when i decided i would calm down for the night. So yeah ive been pretty hyperactive all day, just sitting around listening to music and sorting stuff out on the several profiles and web pages i have sprawled across the net haha. (mostly bebo)
So yeah, i also did a likkle drawing, TRIED to write a song and ATTEMPTED my college work. But lets be honest, im not gonna be doing it anytime in the next few weeks haha. Im sure i can come up with a good excuse XD.
Sooo...some of the bands ive been "jamming" to today...
- Slipknot
- Fall out boy
- All that remains
- Bring me the horizon
- D12
- Innerpartysystem
- Pendulum
- Cellweller
- Avenged sevenfold
- Muse
So yeah, thats a few lol. woo. well, thats about it. Ive spoke to a few people, debated weather or not to start doing my eyeliner again, and "Russell Brand's Ponderland" is on now, so i have a huge this...=D
So college tommorow, should be a decent day = )
I'll write again tommorow! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
x x
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
My entry...think its the 5th? wa sthe first day back at college...and wow. I was expecting a really crappy day but to be honest, it was actually really good. I woke up at like 6:00am, and all i could hear was my stepdad coughing his guts out, and it sounded all serious and i just said "Baz, you alright!?" and he just said "yeah, i got a bit of fluff" which was pretty funny so yeah...amused ME anyway.
Well did my usual 20 minutes of hair styling (if you can even call it style) i need a way to mke the fringe stay straight and in place. Hairspray clogs up my nose and eyes and anything wet makes it curly-er so any comments would be appreciated lol. So yeah the usual, over my face at the front, curly spikes at the back. I decided aswell to have the fringe to the left today...but of course i changed my mind several times during the day so in the end it just became a sweaty mess of tangles and brylcream XD
Anyway...had jammy toast for breakfast (yum) and after a nice cup of tea, went to get the bus at around 7:25am.
I only had a twenty note so i bought a cherry tango and chewing gum from the shop (again) i always piss off the man paying £1.80 with a twenty lol but hey, its his work it.
Aaaanyway...i dont wanna be not a mean person...but the people who wait at my bus stop (bar 2) are just...pests. right i always stand further down, to get on first ( i like MY front seat - thats right MY front seat...i have owned it since last year...get used to it haha) but like, these little bugger's just push past as the bus come's and today...nearly knocked me into the road...i especially dislike the one with glasses...not because he has glasses of course...he just aggrovates me. But yeah...theyre the kind of people i dislike, the ones where even thow your at the front, and they're at the back...even with a full blast MP3 player (which really hurt's) you can still bloody hear them!
Which brings me to my next point. Becky was on the bus today...sat in her usual seat...i would have sat next to her...but thats were all the loud people a sacrifice had to be made...i do apologise Miss Becky, but thats one of the reasons i didnt come say hi on the bus lol. Not to mention i almost didnt see her either, so im either going blind or she can turn invisible...i reckon its the second one.
But yanooo, she was in today and we talked a fair bit and whatever else, and sat in the caf i was like, 10 mins late because i didnt want to leave because i wanted to stay and talk, so yeah, happy with today really =D
So i eventually got dragged into lesson by a certain Sam that was being very touchy, and today i should have done at least 3 pages of work...i did around 3 paragraphs. Gazza (the lecturer) wasnt fussed todat really, he was very "yyyeah....just make sure its in on time...yeah...whateveer"
But most of today was spent talking about the folloing:
- Russell Brand (i love him)
- Ricky Gervais (nearly equally loved)
- Fable 2
- Halo 3
- Halloween
- Not being in when we should have been (Monday)
- Matt has a bloody phone! (faints)
- Cigarett's
- Top Gear
- Far cry 2
- Mortal combat vs DC universe
- Wether or not Drum+Bass can be a form of rock music
- Brad pitt as an Irish-man
- Jack sparrow
- The difference between pykee's and gypsee's
And alot more stuff...but that was the majority of it lol.
So, after getting wet and cold waiting for a bus home, i eventually got home, re-done my hair and went out for a little stroll to Amy's. T'was fun. We watched some fireworks and had to make sure her dog didnt wet himself with fear from the loud bangs, also watched Desperate Housewives for the first time ever...twas pretty funny lol.
So that's really it (well, most of it) ive just got home, grabbed a drink, got into bed and got on here XD. I felt pretty normal untill i made a certain someone feel a likk'le bit better, and now i feel like i have some kind of purpose. Just another stepping stone ay?
So, im in a very good mood, but also very worried that i wont get another decent day like this for a long, long time. so while the good mood lasts....GOODNIGHT! =D
x x
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Its a new day...a fourth one XD
Sooooo...fourth entry...yep, i got nothing better to do.
Well, spoke to Becky after posting my little erm "bad mood" blog, and everything is goooood! (YAY!). anyway, im still going out on Saturday to ye ol' Boston! will be good times XD
Anyway, ive had a pretty decent day, went for a little walk (took the dog) clean my bedroom from top to bloody bottom, and just half an hour ago, got my hair dye'd back again..maybe i should have a little red or blond in blue is good too haha.
Well, i also got SOME college work don today, but was distracted by bloody "This Morning" i felt new today...i dont know why =S i just felt...fresh? And its college tommorow so hopefuly the feeling stays!?
Well...its been a good week or so, (ISH) so i suppose im just gonna go to bed pretty early tonight, get up at 6:00am tommorow morning, listen to Chris Moyles and try to smile alot =D
So yeah...byeeeeeeee
x x
Monday, 3 November 2008
Another stupid day. Im in a bad fucking mood and a certain "someone" is'nt around to help cheer me up. Im fucked off. I took the dog to the vet's this morning, she was hyper active and even though all she wanted to do was play with the other dog's, I was the one to get the shitty look's. "Controll your dog" - oh, fuck off.
To top it all off, i got on MSN today. Lovely.
I was supposed to be meeting a mate up town for the first time this Saturday coming, and i have no idea what happened but all of a sudden, i feel like she hates me. I dont know wether she has made overlapping plans for saturday or what, but its too short notice to meet up a sooner day, and now that we probably wont be going no more, i have sweet fuck all to look forward too.
Another thing, i have LOADS of college work to do, LOADS. Photo's to take, essays to write, films to research and pictures to will take me a few days...i have one day to do it. (maybe if i hadnt left it i would feel happier)
On a posotive note, i tested out a certain present that was put away for christmas, i was worrying the certain thing that plays on it wouldnt work as it say's "60Hz only" i tested it thow, and it works on my old 50Hz Tv =D
So thats it, ive got nothing to look forward during November. Nice.
So yeah thats the third entry.
Now go away XD
x x
Sunday, 2 November 2008
My diary begins...
Haha yeeeeah. Anyway, I said id start doing a daily entry so here goes...(if not daily then ill try to cover everyday's)
Today was pretty normal...a little boring i suppose. I set my alarm to wake up pretty early today, so that the day would last longer, so i set my alarm for 9:00am. Sure enough it went off, and sure enough i turned it off while mumbling "just a little longer". I eventually woke up at around 12:47pm and as i looked at the clock and shouted several words they wouldnt put in the dictionary, i heard my brother go "Zac's awake" so he let the dog into my room, she did her usual jump on me and lick my face thing, and left me some dirty paw prints. Nice.
So eventually after sorting myself out i got dressed, amd headed across the road to my Uncle's. i didnt say long, said hello to my cousins and whatever else. i only really wanted to go over to borrow Halo, as ive had a huge urge to play it all week for some unknown reason, but i dont have the original, and Unlce Steve was on holiday so i was pretty happy. (Ive had it for about two hours and im nearly finished on normal - im just that damn good)
So what have i done today? the awnser is absoloutly nothing! really nothing. Ive been sat in my room all day playing on Halo, taught my brother how to save his Sim charecter from a fire and drank alot of tea.
Anyway, went out at about seven, went to Amy's for a bit and now im home. I still want to play Halo but the Xbox makes a very loud "wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" sound so i'll do it tommorow. I have alot of college work to do and i still havnt even touched it, and my story based on "Assassins Creed" is on chapter four! i have about 7 pages and im going to make this story writing thing a new hobby. I wanted to base them on games or other stories that i like and twist them a bit, im working on an Assassins creed one know but i want to try two more (One based on "Army of two" and another on either "Devil may cry" or something scary.
So yeah. Not really a productive day. So thats it...Byeeeee
x x
Saturday, 1 November 2008
My very first attempt
This is my first attempt at this, so yeah. it might improve sometime lol.
My name is "Zacharia paul Burton" or if youd preffer "Zacharia paul Dobney"
One is legal and one is not. im not a criminal or anything its just that about five (maybe more) years ago my Dad left (thank God) and so i gave up his name for my Mums.
Im 18 years old, and i erm...well...have had a pretty decent life.
When i was a kid i used to have to make my own entertainment (wont go into it to much)and i used to sit in the garden and play with my truck, it was a big yellow thing that had a "tip-up trailer" and used to be my plate when i was eating the mud i would shovel into it. I remember i used to have a climbing frame in the garden (which was huge) and in the summer it had a little floor to lay on, and in winter a firemans pole with monkey bars. i used to wear masks and play either Batman or Spiderman and occasionally as i got older Dragon ball Z, were the top of the climbing frame was Nimbus, and i was Goku.
I used to live in Weston Hills it was a large place were everyone knew everyone, i was always known as that "little boy on the bike" and would go everywere, and i mean everywere, i went to "Weston Hills Primary School" and hated it. i hated getting up, i hated being hated, and i loved getting home. I wasnt popular, untill i found the unpopular children cool. Which is were i had my first "crush" her name was Sophie Atkins, and we always used to play Tamagochi, i had a dalmation one, and she had a Mick mouse one, we swapped them at one point and i had to press the buttons in with a golf tee because they were broken.
Eventually we fell out and then i liked Justina. We always used to play pokemon and on the chess board painted on the playground we used to have that as our battle arena. i would be Squirtle, and curl up in a ball on the floor...sometimes she was Jesse, and i was James.
I also had a friend called "Henry Gibbons" who introduced me to Resident Evil which lets be honest, people may say that was a bad thing (im in love with it still)
After i left there i went to "Gleed Boys School" it was there i met some of my best friends of my childhood, we played pokemon all the time (it was still in fashion) andi was never indoors for more than an hour.
Eventually i left. and thats when my life went "Tits up"
I didnt feel the same. My childhood kind of ended there (if it even began) and i was still only 11 years old. I had to grow up pretty fast because the Boys (and indeed Girls) in George Farmer (my new school) were, lets face it, my "un-doing"
The school created my hate for most things (again, i wont go into detail) and moulded a nice little hard working boy, into a swearing, lazy lieing monster. I was evil. I would steal from people, get into fights, call people names and in all get into the wrong crowd. untill the age of 15 i would go for weeks without washing (Luckily know i obsess with being clean - the tiniest bit of fluff on me and i start going mad haha) and i would try my hardest to make everyones life around me a living hell, all the while concealing it inside making sure know one would ever find out what a complete spitefull, evil and scheming little bastard i really was.
Then one day it all just...dissapeared.
I finished school and went to Boston College, and there i met new people and made alot of good fun friends. my best friend ever was "Richard Lunn" we were always together. we would never be seperated. And it was amazing. id never had a friend who was just like me, we lived and cried together, we went to Download together, we went to the cinema together, we started smoking together, we drank together, we loved music, games and life in general.
Then i left Boston. I was an Art student, and my speciality was Anime and Japanese animation/Manga. i must have had nearly 100+ pictures that i had drawn. Everything from charecter designs, charecter profiles, landscapes, weapons, faces, hair, hands, feet, Everything!
I layed them out on the table as i was being interviewed...The man said -
"This looks interesting mate, tell me about some of them"
and i did...
A man walked in, short, fat and covered in facial hair...the moment he saw my work...
"Sorry boy, its just not that good, Anime? disgusting"
It hurt. and i tried my hardest to not have any of it effect my style when i finnaly got in. but it did, when i drew a looked cartoonie...the same with a building...or an old mans penis...(yup we did naked drawing) and in the end, every piece of work i did was rejected so in the end i just said...
"Fuck 'em"
I gave up. I Quit. i actually only got up in the mornings from then on for a free ride to Boston town. And eventually i was kicked out. (set fire to a bin on my way out XD)
Oh and Jake or Will...i thaught you were both bastards...
So after that... a year and a bit of nothing. I worked for a bit and thats about it. Then i moved to Gosberton.
Gosberton was so nice, all of my fammily were only a stone's throw away, the place was nice, the house was nice..but one thing...There was nobody!
I knew no-one, saw no-one. i sat at home and did absoloutly nothing all - bloody - day.
And even today...things arent much better lol
I tried making friends...but they all changed and went off to places dotted all over the bloody country.
So know...stuck in Gosberton i went to Stamford college.
I thaught it was going to be such a sack of shit. My previous experiance didnt exactl support it, and it was so far away...but... I loved it! it was amazing! It was a short 9 week course that was the last few weeks of the year, and i loved it. It was the only time that i wanted to get out of bed! i loved the people, the atmosphere and all of that, the onyl downside was that all my friends were so far away, that i never saw them outside of college.
So know 2008 is beggining to end. its 2:30 am and its Sunday 2nd of November...what am i doing?
Im writing this because i saw Becky's (Shes a good friend who i havnt known for very long but i already feel like shes a best mate =S) and i thaught it was a good idea. i always tried to keep a diary but just couldnt keep to it, so maybe a little typed one might help me along XD
I now still go to Stamford college, and once again im on a media course. I love the friends i have made (Sam and Matt inparticular) and love being able to meet new people and even see some old friends (Doug for example) i feel like a new beggining. I do still feel slightly uncomfortable there, and im reasonably unpopular and have come across as a total dweeb but hey, im not paid anything to watch what i say so why should i? XD
So thats a short part of my life...believe me there is lots more and i might have gone around in circles but heeeeey. who cares. If you wanna know about me sure i have a profile thingy for this so look there.
Will be writing on here lots hopefully so yeah...cheers
x x