Well...today wa sthe first day back at college...and wow. I was expecting a really crappy day but to be honest, it was actually really good. I woke up at like 6:00am, and all i could hear was my stepdad coughing his guts out, and it sounded all serious and i just said "Baz, you alright!?" and he just said "yeah, i got a bit of fluff" which was pretty funny so yeah...amused ME anyway.
Well did my usual 20 minutes of hair styling (if you can even call it style) i need a way to mke the fringe stay straight and in place. Hairspray clogs up my nose and eyes and anything wet makes it curly-er so any comments would be appreciated lol. So yeah the usual, over my face at the front, curly spikes at the back. I decided aswell to have the fringe to the left today...but of course i changed my mind several times during the day so in the end it just became a sweaty mess of tangles and brylcream XD
Anyway...had jammy toast for breakfast (yum) and after a nice cup of tea, went to get the bus at around 7:25am.
I only had a twenty note so i bought a cherry tango and chewing gum from the shop (again) i always piss off the man paying £1.80 with a twenty lol but hey, its his job...so work it.
Aaaanyway...i dont wanna be mean...im not a mean person...but the people who wait at my bus stop (bar 2) are just...pests. right i always stand further down, to get on first ( i like MY front seat - thats right MY front seat...i have owned it since last year...get used to it haha) but like, these little bugger's just push past as the bus come's and today...nearly knocked me into the road...i especially dislike the one with glasses...not because he has glasses of course...he just aggrovates me. But yeah...theyre the kind of people i dislike, the ones where even thow your at the front, and they're at the back...even with a full blast MP3 player (which really hurt's) you can still bloody hear them!
Which brings me to my next point. Becky was on the bus today...sat in her usual seat...i would have sat next to her...but thats were all the loud people sit...so a sacrifice had to be made...i do apologise Miss Becky, but thats one of the reasons i didnt come say hi on the bus lol. Not to mention i almost didnt see her either, so im either going blind or she can turn invisible...i reckon its the second one.
But yanooo, she was in today and we talked a fair bit and whatever else, and sat in the caf i was like, 10 mins late because i didnt want to leave because i wanted to stay and talk, so yeah, happy with today really =D
So i eventually got dragged into lesson by a certain Sam that was being very touchy, and today i should have done at least 3 pages of work...i did around 3 paragraphs. Gazza (the lecturer) wasnt fussed todat really, he was very "yyyeah....just make sure its in on time...yeah...whateveer"
But most of today was spent talking about the folloing:
- Russell Brand (i love him)
- Ricky Gervais (nearly equally loved)
- Fable 2
- Halo 3
- Halloween
- Not being in when we should have been (Monday)
- Matt has a bloody phone! (faints)
- Cigarett's
- Top Gear
- Far cry 2
- Mortal combat vs DC universe
- Wether or not Drum+Bass can be a form of rock music
- Brad pitt as an Irish-man
- Jack sparrow
- The difference between pykee's and gypsee's
And alot more stuff...but that was the majority of it lol.
So, after getting wet and cold waiting for a bus home, i eventually got home, re-done my hair and went out for a little stroll to Amy's. T'was fun. We watched some fireworks and had to make sure her dog didnt wet himself with fear from the loud bangs, also watched Desperate Housewives for the first time ever...twas pretty funny lol.
So that's really it (well, most of it) ive just got home, grabbed a drink, got into bed and got on here XD. I felt pretty normal untill i made a certain someone feel a likk'le bit better, and now i feel like i have some kind of purpose. Just another stepping stone ay?
So, im in a very good mood, but also very worried that i wont get another decent day like this for a long, long time. so while the good mood lasts....GOODNIGHT! =D
x x
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