Monday 3 November 2008


Third entry...

Another stupid day. Im in a bad fucking mood and a certain "someone" is'nt around to help cheer me up. Im fucked off. I took the dog to the vet's this morning, she was hyper active and even though all she wanted to do was play with the other dog's, I was the one to get the shitty look's. "Controll your dog" - oh, fuck off.

To top it all off, i got on MSN today. Lovely.

I was supposed to be meeting a mate up town for the first time this Saturday coming, and i have no idea what happened but all of a sudden, i feel like she hates me. I dont know wether she has made overlapping plans for saturday or what, but its too short notice to meet up a sooner day, and now that we probably wont be going no more, i have sweet fuck all to look forward too.

Another thing, i have LOADS of college work to do, LOADS. Photo's to take, essays to write, films to research and pictures to will take me a few days...i have one day to do it. (maybe if i hadnt left it i would feel happier)

On a posotive note, i tested out a certain present that was put away for christmas, i was worrying the certain thing that plays on it wouldnt work as it say's "60Hz only" i tested it thow, and it works on my old 50Hz Tv =D

So thats it, ive got nothing to look forward during November. Nice.

So yeah thats the third entry.

Now go away XD

x x

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